Terms and Conditions

In order to apply for our affiliate program you will need to read, understand and accept these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions do not continue with your application. Should you have any questions regarding our affiliate program please contact for further information.


1. Agreement


1.1 This document (the "Agreement") outlines the terms and conditions agreed between us, *company name* (referred to herein as "FortuneJack Affiliates", "we" "us" or "our") and you (referred to herein as "you", "your" or "affiliate"), in respect to your application to join our affiliate program and to promote the m-profile.fortunejackpartners.com website and our services.


1.2 FortuneJack Affiliates reserve the right to update or modify this Agreement by notice via message to your email address 5 days in prior to any changes being implemented and presented online at the site within the section of affiliate terms and conditions. Should you not agree to the changes you are required to terminate this Agreement in accordance with the terms within this agreement. Details of any changes to the terms and conditions will be published in clause 15 within this agreement available in updated version on m-profile.fortunejackpartners.com. If you continue to participate in our affiliate program also after changes to the agreement has been posted this will be constituted as a binding acceptance of such changes by you.


1.3 In order to join our affiliate program you are required to accept our terms and conditions as well as submitting a completed online application form. FortuneJack Affiliates determines at its' sole discretion whether or not to accept your application for our affiliate program. Our decision is final and no appeal will be granted. Once we have reached a decision in regards to your application we will notify you by email informing you of whether you have been accepted as our affiliate or not. Upon a successful application you will be bound by these terms and conditions set out in this agreement when marketing/promoting the FortuneJack Affiliates website and services. FortuneJack Affiliates will email you with further information upon acceptance of your application.


2. Definitions


In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires:

"Confidential Information" means all information about us which is not publicly known and that is disclosed (by whatever means) by us to you.

"Net Generated Revenues (NGR)" means the sum of FortuneJack Affiliates's net revenue generated by all your referrals in the space of a calendar month.

"Net Revenue", calculated on a monthly basis, means the monthly Gross Revenue less costs, which includes but is not limited to: taxes, betting duties, third party commissions/fees for providing games and game software etc, financial transaction fees, bonuses, "loyaltyrewards", rakeback, cashbacks and charge backs.

"Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all patents, trademarks, service marks, designs, trade, business or domain names, goodwill associated with the foregoing, e-mail address names, copyright including rights in computer software (in both source and object code) and rights in databases (in each case whether registered or not and any applications to register and rights to apply for registration of any of the foregoing), rights in inventions and web-formatting scripts (including HTML and XML scripts), know-how, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights which may now or in the future subsist in any part of the world including all rights of reversion and the right to sue for and recover damages for past infringements.

"Referred Customers" means Customers who have no prior account with Our Website, and have signed up for an account with us with your affiliate tracking code attached.

"New Depositing Player" means a New Customer / Player who has made a first minimum deposit with FortuneJack Affiliates where this latter is used for bona fide transactions with an ultimate aim to establish and enter into a normal commercial relationship with FortuneJack Affiliates within the framework of the Business. The customer registration and the first deposit do not have to be simultaneous.

"Revenue Share" means the percentage share the affiliate will earn from the Net Generated Revenues created by his Referred Customers.

"Your Website" the website which you notify to us on the Affiliate Sign up Form.


3. Linking


3.1 The Links provided to you by FortuneJack Affiliates should be displayed and used by you in the manner agreed between you and us and you shall not change the form, location or operation of the Links without FortuneJack Affiliates's prior written consent.

3.2 You shall ensure that you do not place any Links on pages of the Your Website aimed at persons under the age of 18 years.

3.3 In the event that you wish to place the Links on websites other than the Your Website, you must first obtain FortuneJack Affiliates's written consent.

3.4 If we discover that your use of any Link is not in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, we shall be entitled to take such measures as to render inoperative the Links used by you and to immediately terminate this Agreement without notice to you (see 13.2).


4. Revenue Share And Net Generated Revenue Calculations


4.1.1 Your revenue share is calculated according to the following structure:


Players Percent
Min - 20 15%
20 - 40 20%
40 - 60 25%
60 - MAX 30%


NGR from Casino is calculated as, the sum total of all your referred Customers' gross bets less payouts (as calculated by Our Website), less any credits, bonus or promotional amounts given to Referred Customers, processing charges, chargebacks, or any uncollectible revenue attributable to the Referred Customers.

We retain the right to change the REVENUE SHARE AND NET GENERATED REVENUE percentage and method of calculation of Revenue Share as we wish in accordance with clause 1.2.


5. Forbidden Practices


5.1 You may not in any way offer added rewards of any kind to your Referred Customers without FortuneJack Affiliates's prior written consent. If FortuneJack Affiliates deems you to be in breach of this condition, FortuneJack Affiliates may terminate your affiliate agreement and seize to pay you any further Revenue Share from your Referred Customers (see Term 13.2).

5.2 Neither you nor your direct relatives (spouse, partner, parent, child or sibling), may under no circumstance receive any Revenue Share on your own or direct relatives' customer account.

5.3 You are forbidden to in any way modify, redirect, suppress, or substitute the operation of any button, link, or other interactive feature of the FortuneJack Affiliates Site.

5.4 You are forbidden to attempt to artificially increase monies payable to you by FortuneJack Affiliates.

5.5 You shall at all times comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and any other related or similarlegislation.

5.6 When advertising to potential United Kingdom players, you shall abide by the UK rules for gambling advertising as defined by the Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP and BCAP) and upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority. You will ensure that marketing communications, particularly in relation to free bet and bonus offers do not amount to or involve misleading actions or misleading omissions. Marketing communications that include a promotion must provide as such information about significant conditions as practicable within the advert itself, and with sufficient prominence. Where the advert is genuinely limited by space (banner advertisement) significant conditions must be displayed no further than one click away from the advert itself. Examples of free bet or bonus offers which may not comply with UK legislation include: the promotion does not provide supporting information on the terms and conditions of the offer or provides it with insufficient prominence for example only visible once scrolled down; when clicked, advertising banners take a customer direct to the join or login section of the website, without providing terms and conditions of the offer; significant information may only be available 'below the fold' on a web page or email and a customer may only be aware that terms and conditions apply if they actively scroll to the end of a webpage or similar. The above requirements are applicable to all forms of marketing communication, including social media and other forms of advertising such as newspapers.


6. FortuneJack Affiliates's Obligations


6.1 FortuneJack Affiliates shall supply you with the Links for inclusion on the Your Website and may update such Links from time to time.

6.2 FortuneJack Affiliates shall use its best endeavors to ensure that whenever a Referred Customer signs-up with FortuneJack Affiliates through your affiliate link with your tracking code attached the relevant Customer is identified as originating from the Your Website. However, FortuneJack Affiliates shall not be liable to you in any way if FortuneJack Affiliates is unable to identify a Customer as originating from the Your Website.


7. Payment


7.1 You will receive affiliate payments directly to your FortuneJack Affiliates player account.

7.2 Payment is made on the 15th of every calendar month.

7.3 The minimum sum for a monthly payment of affiliate payment is € 10. If a Revenue Share does not exceed € 10, FortuneJack Affiliates shall be entitled to withhold and carry forward such sum until the end of the first calendar month in which the Revenue Share (including such carried forward sum) exceeds € 10, at which time payment shall be made. For the avoidance of doubt, you will only receive a payout when there is a positive balance and it is greater than € 10 in any given month.

7.4 If an Affiliate's Revenue Share for a particular calendar month is negative, such negative amounts shall be carried forward to the subsequent month(s).

7.5 FortuneJack Affiliates shall provide you with statements accessible through your personal affiliate page, http://m-profile.fortunejackpartners.com , detailing the Referred Customers and your share of Net Generated Revenues.


8. Intellectual Property


8.1 FortuneJack Affiliates grants you a non-exclusive and worldwide license to display the FortuneJack Affiliates brand features and related content (the " FortuneJack AffiliatesContent") during the Term solely for the purposes of the display of the Links by you on the Your Website as set out in this Agreement and in accordance with FortuneJack Affiliates's guidelines as may be provided to you from time to time. All intellectual property rights and any goodwill arising in the Links and in all betting products, associated systems and software relating to the services provided by FortuneJack Affiliates to its customers from time to time shall remain the property of FortuneJack Affiliates. You are not permitted to alter or modify in any way the FortuneJack Affiliates Content without the express prior written consent of FortuneJack Affiliates.

8.2 You agree that the Your Website shall not resemble in any way the look and/or feel of the FortuneJack Affiliates Site, nor will you create the impression that the Your Website is the FortuneJack Affiliates Site (or any part thereof).


9. Warranties


9.1 Each party to this Agreement represents and warrants to the other that it has, and will retain throughout the Term all right, title and authority to enter into this Agreement, to grant to the other party the rights and licenses granted in this Agreement and to perform all of its obligations under this Agreement.

9.2 You warrant that you have obtained and will maintain in force all necessary registrations, authorizations, consents and licenses to enable you to fulfill your obligations under this Agreement.


10. Disclaimer


We make no representation that the operation of the FortuneJack Affiliates Site will be uninterrupted or error-free and we will not be liable for the consequences of any interruptions or errors.


11. Indemnity


You (the "Indemnifying Party") shall indemnify on demand and hold harmless FortuneJack Affiliates and each of FortuneJack Affiliates's associates, officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders and partners (the "Indemnified Party") from and against any and all losses, demands, claims, damages, costs, expenses (including without limitation consequential losses and loss of profit, reasonable legal costs and expenses and VAT thereon if applicable) and liabilities suffered or incurred, directly or indirectly, by the Indemnified Party in consequence of any breach, non performance or non observance by the Indemnifying Party of any of the obligations or warranties on the part of the Indemnifying Party contained in this Agreement


12. Exclusion Of Liability


12.1 Nothing in this clause 12.1 shall limit FortuneJack Affiliates's liability for death or personal injury resulting from FortuneJack Affiliates's negligence or for fraud.

12.2 FortuneJack Affiliates shall not be liable, in contract, tort (including without limitation negligence) or in any other way for: loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings; or any loss of goodwill or reputation; or any indirect or consequential losses in any case, whether or not such losses were within the contemplation of the parties at the date of this Agreement, or any other matter under this Agreement.

12.3 The liability of FortuneJack Affiliates shall not, in any event, exceed the sum of the total monies paid by FortuneJack Affiliates to you over the 6 month period preceding the date on which such liability accrued.


13. Term


13.1 This Agreement shall start on the date that we notify you that your application has been successful in accordance with clause 1. This Agreement shall continue thereafter unless and until terminated by either party upon 30 days written notice.

13.2 If you are in material breach of your obligations within this agreement, FortuneJack Affiliates may bring the term to an end with immediate effect; and cease to pay you any further Revenue Share on you Referred Customers, by written notice to you.

13.3 In the event that a referred customer has had no activity for a period exceeding 24 months, this customer will no longer be deemed as your referral and you will no longer be entitled to any further Revenue Share from any future revenues created by this player.


14. General


14.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes any previous agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Nothing in this clause shall operate to limit or exclude any liability for fraud.

14.2 If any provision of this Agreement shall be found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect.

14.3 Any notice given or made under this Agreement to FortuneJack Affiliates shall be by email to the relevant email  . FortuneJack Affiliates shall send you any notices given or made under this Agreement to the email address supplied on your application form or such other email address as notified by you to FortuneJack Affiliates.

14.4 Nothing in this Agreement is intended to create a partnership between the parties, or to authorize either party to act as agent for the other, and neither party shall have authority to act in the name or on behalf of or otherwise to bind the other in any way.

14.5 Neither party shall make any announcement relating to this Agreement nor its subject matter without the prior written approval of the other party except as required by law or by any legal or regulatory authority.

14.6 The validity, construction and performance of this Agreement (and any claim, dispute or matter arising under or in connection with it or its enforceability) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of The Netherlands Antilles. Each party irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of The Netherlands Antilles courts over any claim, dispute or matter arising under or in connection with this Agreement or its enforceability.

14.7 In case of any discrepancy between the meanings of any translated versions of this Agreement, the meaning of the English Language version shall prevail.


15. Changes To This Agreement


This Agreement has not been varied or otherwise amended since 2d of July, 2015.